About NTDC

The National Training and Development Curriculum (NTDC) for Foster and Adoptive Parents was funded through a five-year cooperative agreement with Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau. Spaulding for Children is the lead agency for this initiative but is working in close partnership with four other national partners.

The NTDC has undergone a rigorous evaluation in seven pilot sites (which consists of states and counties and one tribal nation) and four privatee agencies that work with families who adopt private domestically or via the intercountry process.

The NTDC team is excited about this curriculum and its potential to positively impact not only the lives of parents who are fostering or adopting but also the lives of children who are in foster care or have been adopted.

The training is very informative and provides many resources to help us once we become parents to look back on.


"I liked the interactive aspect of the training. We were not just being lectured at. We were part of the presentation and we are encouraged to participate."


Target Audience

The curriculum design is intended to support three populations, including:

  • families who foster, provide kinship care and/or adopt children from the child welfare system,
  • families who adopt via the intercountry or private domestic process, and
  • American Indian Alaska Native families who foster, provide kinship care and/or adopt children from the tribal child welfare system.


To Learn More

Visit-> https://ntdcportal.org/

Last modified: Friday, July 22, 2022, 2:31 PM